Excellence in TCM & Acupuncture Education since 1998

Dylan Kirk, R.TCMP, R.Ac
Dylan Kirk has spent his life immersed in traditional East Asian practices. He has done extensive training in baguazhang, taijiquan, gongfu and qigong under Master Chik Qadir Mason from whom he earned the honours of Black Sash. He received further training in acupuncture and TCM from Prof. Bin Jiang Wu at the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine where he is now Academic Dean. He continued his studies, completing a Bachelor of Medicine and Masters of Acupuncture from Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and training in classical Chinese medicine (jingfang) with Prof. Suzanne Robidoux. He continues to volunteer for the profession as the President of the Council of TCM and Acupuncture Schools of Ontario (CTCMASO), and Vice President of the Federation of TCM Colleges of Canada (FTCMCC) as well as continuing his own clinical practice at the Toronto Integrative Medicine Centre, supporting TCM research through the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research, and teaching internal martial arts (neijia) in the Toronto area. He is well known in Canada as an excellent and compassionate practitioner and teacher.