Excellence in TCM & Acupuncture Education since 1998
Rita Mustafa
R.Ac, R.NCP, Instructor
Founder of Oasis Health & Wellness, Rita is a Holistic Nutritionist and a Registered Acupuncturist who specializes in custom tailoring treatments specific to each individual’s unique body chemistry. Rita is a graduate from the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and practices as a Registered Acupuncturist.under The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). Rita’s years experience in the health and Fitness, coupled with her educational background and ongoing activities, have inspired her to bring a comprehensive, combined approach to her practice as a Holistic Practitioner. Rita provides one on one consultations, corporate workshops, group seminars & wellness workshops. Most recently, her accomplishments include the publishing two cookbooks, Wheat-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes, & Gluten Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free Recipes which are available online and through Rita can also be found on Rogers TV as a community producer for several shows focusing on digestive health and as a regular guest on Daytime Television.