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Wen Bing Xue- Warm Disease Theory

CMC-904 Wen Bing Xue with Professor Robert Helmer (45 hours total)

Mondays January 3 - April 11 9:00AM-12:30PM


Audience: Term 10 (ADTCMP students)/Elective for TCMP students

+ Practitioners looking for CEU courses

Cost: $13 / hour of instruction ($585)

This course covers the classical theories of infectious diseases caused by exogenous heat or warm factors. Included in this study are the etiologies, clinical manifestations, pulse and tongue signs, and different stages of each syndrome. Students also look at the basic therapeutic herbal formulas applicable to different syndromes or stages, particularly wei, qi, ying, and xue.

Please fill out the application form and send it to

Deadline to apply December 15


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